01 February, 2016

The goal is to take additional preventive measures to increase the counter-terrorist security of the company’s facilities.

The main task of the planned training sessions for DrilLife Group security personnel was to develop an algorithm for cooperative contingencies, including detection and detainment of an intruder and location of explosive bombs at the protected facility.

To carry out the task of neutralizing an intruder who illegally penetrated the territory of the facility and put the explosive, a mobile team of the security department in the nearest district was promptly involved.

At the same time, in the course of the exercises the operation personnel practiced evacuation skills for possible emergency situations at DrilLife Group facilities.

In general, such complex of special tactical training exercises is designed to completely exclude the threat of terrorist attacks, which can cause human losses and serious economic damage, and result in unpredictable environmental consequences.

Moreover, until the end of this year, DrilLife Group Security Service plans to organize several more similar tactical training exercises, where special attention will be paid to raising vigilance of employees and their interaction with police units, to ensure stable operation of the production facilities of enterprises in response to the recently increased terrorist threat.