This is Fracture Matching Analysis technology.
The offered service Foray 3D microseismic fracture matching analysis service is now available as a real time application.
A component of Knoesis service, the Foray service provides a new method of fracture diagnostics that uses microseismic event data as it is generated in real time to develop an image of the fracture network being created in the formation. Advanced algorithms continuously analyze the constant flow of new data and update the fracture network being created with new or higher confidence interval planes as the analyst monitors the treatment.
The information generated can be leveraged to design treatments that provide increased connected fracture area. Fracture treatments that maximize connected fracture area provide greater increases in production. Prior to the real-time capability, Foray service analysis could be performed only after a treatment in order to help optimize the next treatment. Real-time analysis provides the technical team the knowledge it needs to make changes to treatments during the job. Every fracturing treatment can be tailored for maximum effectiveness. This capability is particularly important for fracturing treatments in shale formations.
Foray service can help to reduce the cost per barrel of oil equivalent and maximize asset value for an operator through improving fracturing treatment design and execution.