The Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance are discussing granting companies a deduction for mineral extraction tax for the development of hard-to-recover oil and gas reserves up to a certain coefficient of cost recovery of the subsoil user.
So far, the potential measure is designed for 10 years from the start of production. Layers with abnormal pressure can additionally be added to hard-to-recover deposits. In addition, seismic exploration and exploratory drilling may fall under the deduction from the MET, but if budget revenues do not suffer.
Additionally, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance propose expanding the inclusion of fields in the fourth group of NDT. Now the tax on additional income is 50% and applies to four groups of fields, but it is levied not on the volume of oil produced, but on income from its sale minus export duties, reduced tax on mining, production and transportation costs.
The first group – new deposits in Eastern Siberia with a yield of less than 5%, the second group – deposits that benefit from export duty, the third group – existing deposits in Western Siberia with a yield of 10% to 80% with a production quota of no more than 15 million tons, the fourth group – new deposits in Western Siberia with with a production capacity of less than 5% and total reserves of no more than 50 million tons per year.